Sunday, October 4, 2009

Boehner's Blog

I am an American voter who supports the public option as part of comprehensive health care reform. There are 200 million Americans like me who want Congress to act in our best interest and include a government plan to keep insurance companies honest.

You currently have access to public health care as a member of Congress, care that I pay for when I remit my taxes each year. I want to have access to a similar program, where pre-existing conditions, ability to pay, and restrictions on participating facilities are not an issue.

Thousands of my fellow Americans die each month for lack of health insurance. Our nation currently spends twice as much as similar nations who have implemented public health care - and all of these nations also have better health outcomes than we do.

The Republican plan to date has been nothing short of insanity. Please, if you want to do something for America, support the public option. Or at least stop lying about the massive grassroots support that it enjoys. If you claim not to have met a supporter of public health care, you might want to look in the mirror. You already enjoy it - why should the rest of us have to do without?

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