Friday, February 13, 2009

Feeling the Stimulus

Politico has put together a panel to look at the possible impacts of the stimulus bill just passed. Everybody agrees that throwing money at the credit markets problem is a good idea, but they can't agree on who should get the most tossed their way. The spending will certainly provide some stimulus, but it is yet to be seen if it is enough to get the machine rolling again. We really needed this bill in August 2008 if we wanted any chance of avoiding the worst part of this recession.

I do wonder how one might notice the effects locally of this federal largesse. Perhaps there will be fewer potholes, and long-needed bridges will get built? One can dream, right? Hopefully the largest impact will be on confidence and job growth, where the economy has been treading water for almost a decade now.

For what it's worth, I hope the bill is a smashing success, because I really want to see what Obama can get done for healthcare and sustainable energy. If he can get us on course for a rapid move to an electric/solar economy, and make health coverage universal, we will all be better off. Here's to change.

The Concept for the Radical Pirate Blog

The idea here is to share my unique view on politics and the world. My political leanings have ranged far and wide, and I am conversant and sympathetic on most points of view. I have promoted anarchy, syndicalism, socialism, republicanism, democracy, and even paranoia at various times, but ultimately, my basic makeup is that of a radical pirate.

Radical, because my views are rather far to one side of the conventional political spectrum, and a pirate, because I am very sympathetic to the cause of the Pirate Party.

We seek to change global legislation to facilitate the emerging information society, characterized by diversity and openness. This is done by requiring an increased respect for citizens, their privacy, and the reform of rights ownership laws.

Pirate themes carry over to my religious interests as well, as I have become a casual pastafarian of late. You can see me and my pirate-fish snowboard on the FSM (Flying Spaghetti Monster) webpage.
